Minecraft VR

Embark on an exhilarating adventure at the VirtualRealityRental.co.nz booth and dive headfirst into the heart of Minecraft like never before! Immerse yourself in the gaming world as you don the VR headset and transport yourself into the expansive realms of Minecraft. Brace yourself for awe-inspiring encounters with life-sized creepers as you boldly navigate through the landscape, mine precious items, unleash your creativity in crafting, construct structures, and face the challenges of survival! Don't miss this extraordinary opportunity for a free Minecraft experience at the Virtual Reality Rental booth at Armageddon

Minecraft VR is just one of over 60 mind-blowing games included with our Meta Quest 2 rentals. Elevate your entertainment experience with VR rentals available throughout New Zealand, perfect for birthday parties, school holidays, epic gaming weekends, and beyond! For only $85 + postage & bond, enjoy a 3-night rental of the Meta Quest 2, or keep gaming for an entire week at just $30 more. Delivered nationwide with NZ Post courier.

For more information on Virtual Reality Rental, please see https://www.virtualrealityrental.co.nz/ 


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